\We appreciate Karen Eidson of FabGrandma.com taking time to share her relatable experiences! She knew that Wearever underwear was something that women of all ages need to know about.
When I was in my 40’s, I had a problem with incontinence. I had birthed large babies, from 8 lbs. 4 oz to 10 lbs. 8 oz. Because of that, I developed a problem where when I sneezed or laughed, I couldn’t control my urine. I could be anywhere: Wal-Mart, out to dinner with friends, visiting at someone else’s house. If I sneezed or laughed, I would pee on the floor! It was so embarrassing! I had surgery when I was 46 to correct it and have not had a problem with incontinence since then. But, it would have been nice to have known about these panties way back then… They have styles for both men and women. I have to say that the panties they sent me are very nice. The cotton panties are very soft, and the blue floral and lacey ones are very pretty!
I love the video in her blog post that shows her testing the underwear absorbing water! Wearever really does work well for those with urinary incontinence!